Initiative supported by
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This Education Loan Common Application Form (ELCAF) is a first of its kind portal for study abroad aspirants seeking financial assistance via an Education Loan. This portal has been designed and developed by WeMakeScholars, an initiative supported by the Ministry of Information and Technology, Govt. of India under the Digital India initiative. The applicants can apply to multiple banks through a single application form window and get the sanction in less than half the time, when compared to going to the bank directly.

WeMakeScholars Benefits

How does it work?


Fill up single application form


Profile screened for multiple banks


Get Sanction in 14 days*

Education Loan Common Application Form (ELCAF)

Personal details

Sub Location cannot be blank.

Course details

Loan details

Student KYC

Co-applicant details

A co-applicant is the person who has to repay the loan if you fail to payback tomorrow. It may include either Parents/ Siblings/ Spouse/ Parents-in-law.


Refer & earn up to ₹ 3000 per referral

Share the contact details of your friends who are planning to study abroad like you