Federal Bank Education Loan

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Table of content

  1. Education loan products of Federal Bank
  2. Federal Bank Education Loan Schemes for Abroad studies
  3. Federal Bank Education Loan Schemes for Studies in India
  4. Federal Bank Education Loan Processing fees
  5. Documents required for Federal Bank Education Loan
  6. Federal Bank Education Loan Insurance
  7. Federal Bank Loan Margin Calculation
  8. How to apply for an Education Loan from Federal bank
  9. Why and How to Transfer your Education Loan to Federal Bank
  10. Federal Bank Education Loan EMI Calculation as per Interest Rate
  11. Federal Bank Education Loan Repayment Process
  12. Interest Subsidy Schemes
  13. FAQ's
  14. Need Help? Ask Here!

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India's Largest Study Abroad Funding Expo (SAFE) 2025

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Federal Bank is one of India’s leading private sector banks facilitating a customer base of more than 12 million, including 1.5 million NRIs. It offers education loans of upto Rs 1 Cr, to ambitious students at affordable interest rates starting from 11.95%.

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Education loan products of Federal Bank

Quality education is paramount, therefore, Federal Bank supports all students by providing them with student loans through the below-mentioned education loan products of Federal bank:

Federal Bank Education Loan Schemes for Abroad Studies

  • Special Vidya Loan
  • Federal Career Solution loan

Federal Bank Education Loan Schemes for Studies in India

  • Special Vidya Loan
  • Fed Scholars
  • Federal Career Solution loan

Federal Bank Education Loan Schemes for Abroad studies

The tables below outline the details of two education loan schemes offered by the Federal Bank for abroad studies: the Federal Career Solution Loan and the Special Vidya Loan. These loans are intended for students who wish to study abroad for higher education and they entail rules and regulations concerning the loan limit, expenses that are covered, co-applicant criteria, interest rate, grace period, repayment period, and guidelines. 

Federal Career Solution loan

Students can apply to take loans for their higher education in any course abroad, except for vocational training and skill development.

Loan Parameter 


Loan Limit

Upto 1 cr

Expenses covered

  • Course fees
  • Hostel and accommodation fees
  • Cost for Books and stationery
  • Study tours
  • Equipment or instrument purchasing cost
  • Caution deposits 
  • Computer or laptop purchasing cost
  • Miscellaneous expenses

Accepted co-applicant


Interest rate on education loan in Federal bank under Federal Career Solution Loan to study abroad scheme

Starts from 11.95%

Moratorium Period

Course duration + 6 months or 3 months after getting a job (whichever is earlier)

Repayment duration

10 years

Repayment policy

  • Periodical interest should be serviced during the course period and subsequent cushion period.
  • If the borrower is discontinuing the educational programme, the loan shall be closed immediately.

Loan Margin

10% or 50% depending upon the type of security

Acceptable collateral

Immovable Property - Flat, House, Non-agricultural land

Liquid Securities - FD, LIC Policies, Government bond

Minimum value of acceptable collateral

  • The immovable collateral value should be 125% of the asked loan amount
  • Liquid securities should be of at least 110% of the value of the loan.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Indian citizens are eligible
  • Students should provide proof of admission to the course/ program
  • Age- Minimum 18 years & maximum 45 years
  • The net worth of the applicant including (the co-applicant) should be at least double the loan amount 

Special Vidya Loan

Loan Parameter 


Loan Limit

Upto 20 lacs

Expenses covered

  • Tuition fees
  • Hostel fees
  • Books and stationery
  • Study tours
  • Caution deposits
Accepted co-applicant Parents/guardians

Federal Bank Education loan interest rate for Special Vidya Loan to study abroad

Starts from 11.95%

Moratorium Period

Course duration + 12 months

Repayment Duration

15 years

Repayment policy

No repayment is required during the Moratorium period, post that repayment can be made in easy EMIs

Loan Margin

Upto Rs 4 lacs - 0% loan margin

Above Rs 4 lacs - 15% loan margin

Eligibility Criteria

  • Only an Indian can be an applicant
  • Applicant should have been admitted to some professional/technical course
  • College or university must have some recognition or necessary approval

Required security

  • There is no requirement of security to take a loan of up to Rs 4 lacs
  • To take up a loan of up to Rs 7.5 lacs, a third-party guarantee or collateral security is acceptable 
  • A collateral with a defined margin is needed to be pledged to take loans of above Rs 7.5 lacs
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Take the stress out of your finances and education - check your loan eligibility with us today.

Federal Bank Education Loan Schemes for Studies in India

The following tables provide an in-depth overview of three education loan schemes offered by the Federal Bank: the Special Vidya Loan, Fed Scholars (without collateral), and Federal Career Solution Loan. In each table, the loan limits, the expenses covered, the co-applicant requirements, the interest rates, the moratorium periods, the repayment duration, and certain eligibility criteria are provided. These schemes are introduced to help the students to manage their educational expenses of higher studies in India and these have different features and benefits as per the financial requirements and objectives of the students. 

Special Vidya Loan

Loan Parameters 


Loan Limit

Upto 10 lacs

Expenses covered

  • Tuition fees
  • Accommodation or hostel fees
  • Insurance Premiums
  • Books and stationery cost
  • Cost of uniform and equipment 
  • Study tour expenses
  • Caution deposits
  • Purchase of laptop and computers
Accepted co-applicant Parents/guardians

Federal Bank Education loan interest rate for Special Vidya Loan to study in India

Starts from 11.95%

Moratorium Period

Course duration + 12 months

Repayment Duration

15 years

Repayment policy

There is no need to pay interest in the moratorium period, students can pay it with EMI later

Loan Margin

  • Upto Rs 4 lacs - 0% loan margin
  • Above Rs 4 lacs - 5% loan margin

Eligibility Criteria

  • Only an Indian can be an applicant
  • Applicant should have applied to take admission in professional/technical course
  • Prestigious educational institutions are acceptable

Fed Scholars (without collateral)

Loan Parameters 


Loan Limit

Upto 20 lacs

Expenses covered

  • Fees of tuition
  • Cost of stationery and books
  • Insurance premiums
  • Cautionary Deposits
  • Hostel and accommodation fees
  • Study tours fees
  • Cost of completing the thesis
  • Buying equipment, instruments, etc.
  • Caution deposits

Accepted co-applicant

  • Parent 
  • Parents-in-law
  • Spouse 
  • Guardian
  • Close relatives

Interest rate on education loan in Federal bank under Fed Scholars to study in India

Starts from 11.95%

Moratorium Period

Course duration + maximum up to 1 year

Repayment Duration

15 years after the moratorium period

Repayment policy

  • No repayment during the Moratorium period
  • Subsidy available for eligible students

Loan Margin

  • Upto Rs 10 lacs: NIL
  • Above Rs 10 lacs: 5%

Eligibility Criteria

  • Applicant should be an Indian National
  • Applicants should have secured admission in any of the selected institutes, accepted by the bank.
  • Seats under the management quota will not be considered under this scheme.

Features of Fed Scholars

  • Interest subsidy is available for eligible students
  • Students can reimburse their expenses made during the running academic year
  • There are no processing fees for this education loan scheme

Federal Career Solution loan

Loan Parameters


Loan Limit

Upto 70 lacs

Expenses covered

  • Fees of tuition
  • Refundable and non-refundable cautionary deposit charges
  • Cost of books and stationery
  • Library charges
  • Lab fees
  • Cost of uniform, equipment, and instruments
  • Hostel fees
Accepted co-applicant
  • Parent 
  • Parents-in –law
  • Spouse 
  • Guardian

Federal Bank Education loan interest rate for Federal career solution loan to study in India

Starts from 11.95%

Moratorium Period

Course duration + 6 months or 3 months after getting a job

Repayment Duration

Up to 10 years

Repayment policy

Interest is required to be paid during the moratorium period

Eligibility Criteria

  • The student should be an Indian
  • Applicant must have proof of admission into the applicable course/ program
  • The minimum age of the applicant can be 18 years & a maximum of 45 years
  • Applicant’s net worth should be twice the asked loan amount (including co-applicants wealth)

Acceptable collaterals with their collateral margin

Type of collateral

Collateral Margin

LIC Policies


Gold ornaments




Land Mortgage


Units of UTI


Shares/ Debentures


Pledge of Bank’s own deposit


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Federal Bank Education Loan Processing fees

The education loan processing fees for Federal Bank is around 1-2% of the sanctioned loan amount. However, for non-collateral loan upto Rs 20 lacs under Fed Scholarship scheme, there is no processing fees.

WeMakeScholars being a government funded initiative offers all its premium loan sanctioning services totally free of cost. Get in touch with us to start your education loan application process, by requesting a callback or filling up a common application form.


Documents required for Federal Bank Education Loan

The requirement of documents may differ for each scheme but here we have provided a list of general documents required for Federal bank education loan:

Section 1: Application form 

Student loan application form (hardcopy) filled on WeMakeScholars website with 2 passport size photographs

Section 2: Basic documents for Applicant (student) and co-applicant and/or Guarantor

  • Identity proof – Passport of the applicant (if going abroad), PAN Card 
  • 6 months latest bank statement of personal and salary account of the applicant, showing salary crediting or if self-employed 1 years business transactions
  • At least 2 proof of address – Electricity Bill/ Passport/ Ration card/ Bank account statement/ Voter ID Card/ Telephone Bill/ Aadhar card. 
  • Personal asset and liability statement (approved by the bank professional)

All the documents should be self-attested.

Section 3: Applicant Academic Documents

  • Certificates and study marksheets- 10th, 12th, Degree
  • Proof of admission in the course (mentioning total duration of the course)
  • Score card of entrance examination
  • Fee structure given by the college or university’s side

Section 4: Co-applicant Income documents

If Salaried

  • ID card of the company
  • Last 2 years form 16 
  • Last 3 month’s salary slip
  • ITR of last 2 yrs

If Self-employed

  • Address proof of  business
  • Last 3 yrs balance sheet
  • Profit & Loss account of last 3 years (only if self-employed)
  • ITR of last 3 yrs

Section 5: Other Documents

  • Letter mentioning other expenses, apart from those covered in loan expenses will be borne by the co-applicant as per the format provided by your financial officer at WeMakeScholars
  • Notarised joint affidavit with the student and co-applicant in bank’s standard format Format to be provided by WeMakeScholars Financial officer

Section 6: Additional docs (if applicable)

  • All loan account statements of 1 year, if any pending loans.
  • Certificate of gap if the student has had a failure or break in studies on Rs. 100 stamp paper. (Format to be provided by WeMakeScholars Financial officer)
    Receipts of payments made previously if any.

You can take a leap ahead of others by uploading your documents on the WeMakeScholars documents portal as per the documents checklist provided by your financial officer, request a callback or fill the common application form to  get your specially customized documents checklist.

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Say goodbye to chaos and confusion - Make use of our customized document checklist .
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Federal Bank Education Loan Insurance

Federal bank offers the facility to students to opt for education loan insurance by paying 1-2% of loan amount at insurance premium. The education loan insurance safeguards the parents or co-applicants, in case of any mis-happening with the applicant, resulting in their inability to pay. 

However, it is not a requirement to acquire education loan insurance. But, if you want to keep your dependents safe, while you are pursuing your higher education. Talk to your financial officer at WeMakeScholars to get more insights about your education loan insurance.


Federal Bank Loan Margin Calculation

The loan margin percentage varies depending on the loan product; the loan margin percentages for education loans from Federal Bank are shown below:

Loan Amount

Loan Margin

For an amount of upto 4 lacs

0% loan margin

Above 4 lacs amount to study in India

5% loan margin

Above 4 lacs amount to study abroad

15% loan margin

Many times students find it difficult to arrange funds for their loan margin, in that case, they should process their education loan with WeMakeScholars, as we can help them reduce their loan margin and make it affordable for them to process their education loan.

Education Loan

How to apply for an Education Loan from Federal bank

The application process to take an education loan from Federal bank is:

Step 1 : Reach out to WeMakeScholars by Requesting a callback or filling a common application form

Step 2 : Give all your education loan details to your assigned  financial officer over a call

Your financial officer will analyze your loan profile and suggest you the best lenders, to get your loan sanctioned.

Step 3 : As per your eligibility and bank policies, choose your lender and tell your financial officer.

Step 4 : Submit all your documents in the bank, or upload them on WeMakeScholars documents portal according to the document checklist given by your financial officer.

Step 5 : Sit back and relax, your financial officer will take care of everything else, if required take follow ups from them from time to time.

Step 6 : Within 1 week, collect your loan sanction letter from private banks or NBFCs and within 15-20 days from the government bank.

The application process is not as simple as it looks if you go directly to the banks to get your education loan sanctioned. Following is the list of issues if you go directly to the banks:

  • No clear idea about the eligibility for education loan
  • Lack of proper customer services
  • No particular list of required documents
  • Unavailability of correct information
  • Issues in legal and valuation reports
  • Lots and lots of documentation
  • Multiple visits to the banks, delaying the process

To fast track your education loan process, visit WeMakeScholars and apply online for an education loan. Here are the benefits of processing your education loan via WeMakeScholars:

  • Minimal Processing time - Your education loan will be sanctioned within 15-20 days from a public bank and within 7 days from any public bank or NBFCs, after your documents are submitted.
  • Digitized application process - Capitalizing the power of digitalization, you can apply for your education loan from the best lender and even complete the entire process, online.
  • Expert guidance - With years of experience, we hold expertise in guiding students to get their education loan sanctioned, as we process 1000’s of loan files everyday. 
  • Negotiation support - Our financial officers, if required, will negotiate on your behalf with the lenders team in terms of interest rates and bank policies. 
  • Consistent availability - Your financial officer will be available from 9 AM to 9PM on all working days to help you out at every step of the process, till your loan is sanctioned, disbursed and repaid back to the banks.
  • Cashback offer - When processing an education loan with WeMakeScholars you can get up to Rs 3,000 as a cashback at the time of your disbursement from us. 
  • Tax benefits - We make sure you save your taxable income by informing you about the tax benefit schemes under Section 80E, Section 80C of the Income tax department.

We are the leading education loan processing partner and have helped thousands of students in getting their education loan sanctioned within their deadline. Request a callback, or fill a common application form, that will connect you to 10+ public and private banks in India, so that you can compare and get the best education loan deal.

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Find out how easy it can be to fund your education - apply for your education loan through WeMakeScholars and experience the benefits.

Why and How to Transfer your Education Loan to Federal Bank

Students opt to transfer their education loan to federal bank due to the following reasons:

  • Easy repayment policies
  • Cheaper rate of interest
  • Wider coverage of education loan scheme
  • Good serviceability and customer service
  • Great accessibility
  • Student-friendly loan conditions
  • Easy bank policies

But how to transfer an existing education loan to Federal bank?

To transfer your existing loan from another bank to Federal Bank, you need to follow the steps listed below in order; 

  • Collect proof of the pending loan amount from your present lender. 
  • Contact WeMakeScholars by asking for a callback, stating that you wish to transfer your loan.
  • Submit your documents to the Federal Bank as instructed by your Financial Officer.

Once your loan transfer is approved, the Federal Bank will pay the outstanding balance of your loan to your previous lender. And the same amount will be sanctioned by the Federal Bank as your new education loan.

EMI Calculator

Federal Bank Education Loan EMI Calculation as per Interest Rate

The education loan EMI amount in Federal Bank depends on the following factors:

  • Rate of interest
  • Type of interest rate, simple or compound
  • Repayment duration
  • Loan amount
  • Moratorium period
  • Loan Amount Paid off by Semester 

To get the exact calculation of your loan EMI amount, use the WeMakeScholars education loan EMI calculator, it is highly recommended because of:

  • 100% accuracy - It has been specially designed, giving attention to details so that you always get highly accurate results.
  • Strategic advantage - After getting the calculation results, you can decide upon your strategy to choose the other parameters of your education loan
  • Detailed explanation - The results of the calculation are detailed and explain the entire flow of funds after each EMI installment.
  • Free of cost - This education loan EMI calculator is free of cost for students, just like the other services offered by WeMakeScholars.
Get a better deal on your education loan with WeMakeScholars - our automatic ROI reduction and expert negotiation make it easy to save.

Federal Bank Education Loan Repayment Process

The Federal Bank provides a moratorium period of course duration plus 6 months or 3 months after getting a job. And then the education loan repayment period starts, which can last upto 15 years at maximum.

Suppose a student gets an education loan of Rs 25 lacs at a 12% rate of interest for 15 years. Then the repayment schedule table of that student will look like the following:

Repayment Cycle


Interest portion

Principal portion

Loan Outstanding

Start of loan EMI





End of year 1





End of year 2





End of year 3





End of year 4





End of year 5





End of year 6





End of year 7





End of year 8





End of year 9





End of year 10





End of year 11





End of year 12





End of year 13





End of year 14





End of year 15





However, students can choose to pay back their Federal Bank education loan even earlier by using the following methods:

  • Prepayment or Part Payment
  • Opting for shorter repayment periods
  • Considering transferring your education loan

TIP - While giving the last cheque as your education loan EMI repayment, we suggest you keep a little extra amount of around Rs 5,000 or Rs 10,000, to avoid any penalty or CIBIL issue in the future.

WeMakeScholars' team will provide you with additional money-saving advice while you complete your student loan, from application to repayment when you do so through our service. Choose WeMakeScholars to handle your student loan processing by requesting a callback or filling out a common application form.

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Rely on our post-sanction assistance to take care of the education loan disbursement process on your behalf.

Interest Subsidy Schemes

Padho Pardesh Scheme

The scheme was launched to benefit students belonging to EWS of notified minority communities, going for their studies abroad.

Eligibility criteria for Padho Pardesh Scheme

  • Only loan taken under IBA guidelines from a scheduled bank
  • Students should pursue courses at M.Phil, Ph.D. levels, and Masters.
  • Annual family income of the student should not exceed Rs 6 lacs per year.
  • The student’s family income certificate is mandatory.

Note: The scheme has been stopped. However, beneficiaries as of 31st march 2022 will continue to receive interest subsidy.

Dr. Ambedkar Interest subsidy scheme for OBC and EBC students

The Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment launched the scheme for students belonging to  EBC and OBC categories, to give rebates on their interest payable within the moratorium period of their education loan. Eligible students going abroad can take benefit of this scheme.

Eligibility criteria for Dr. Ambedkar Interest subsidy scheme for OBC and EBC students

  • Family income of the student should not be more than Rs 8 lacs per annum for EBC category and OBC category
  • Students should secure admission in the approved courses at M.Phil, Masters, or Ph.D. levels abroad
  • Students belonging to OBC category will have to produce their caste certificate.
  • Loan taken from scheduled banks as per the Indian Banking Association guidelines are only acceptable

Central Scheme for Interest Subsidy (CSIS)

The scheme was announced by the MHRD, now the Ministry of Education, to grant interest subsidies on education loans taken by students belonging to the EWS section of society. 

Eligibility criteria for CSIS 

  • Students should have proof of belonging from the EWS section of society.
  • Students must have secured admission in India in an approved course.
  • Student’s annual family income should not exceed Rs 4.5 lacs.

Benefit: In the moratorium period, eligible students are not required to pay any interest on their education loan taken to study in India.

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  • Does the Federal Bank offer education loans for abroad studies?

  • What is the federal bank education loan interest rate?

  • Does a federal bank have an education loan calculator?

  • How to apply for an education loan in Federal Bank?

Our Education Loan team will help you with any questions

Ajay Kumar
WeMakeScholars- supported by IT Ministry, Govt. of India.
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