USD loan to INR Education loan calculator

The first and best calculator on the web.

Compare your USD loan to INR across various parameters and see the actual difference in the repayment. Are you going to repay higher tomorrow? If yes, by how much? Let us compare apples to apples. Because we know every penny counts.

Education Loan Calculator
  • Enter the USD loan amount

  • What is today’s USD rate

  • Course duration (in months)

  • Processing fee

  • Interest rate/ APR for USD lenders

  • How many months will it take to repay this loan?

  • Forex charges

  • Loan Insurance

  • Total amount you will repay in months
    after moratorium

  • ()*

  • 25,16,278.43

  • 5,16,278.43

*Note: The above calculations are considering the USD appreciation at an average rate of 5% p.a as per the RBI website and applying them to the monthly appreciation over your moratorium period (Course duration plus 6 months) plus the repayment tenure.


#Considering the USD loan of $ with the terms you selected in the calculator


  • We have assumed that you have taken the whole loan amount in one-go at the start of the course instead of yearly or semester-wise. Typically, the amount will be taken in 4 tranches for a 2 yrs course, hence the total repayable will about 5% lesser for all the options than what is shown above.
  • It is assumed that you are not making any repayments during study period plus 6 months. The total repayable will be slightly lower for all the options in case you make any payments during the moratorium period.

Detailed discussion with examples

Repayment Schedule of your USD loan

Months EMI Interest portion Principal portion Loan Outstanding EMI X USD rate increasing at 5%

**This will be the USD-INR rate months later when you begin your loan repayment. USD-INR is growing at 5% per annum as per RBI website.